Joan Collins A total of five people have been arrested in the Balearics near leisure areas as part of the government's new nationwide war on student and teenage drug abuse. There have also been complaints against 261 people in these areas for trafficking in drugs, and a further 68 complaints against people in school areas for the same reason but so far there have been no arrests in connection with these. Andalucia and Valencia are the regions where there were the most arrests for drug trafficking around schools in January, according to figures published yesterday by the national Ministry of the Interior. In Andalucia there were 29 arrests around education centres, and in Valencia there were 22. Next came Madrid with 17, Cantabria with 15, Catalonia (9), the Canary Islands (8), Castilla-La Mancha and Galicia (5 each), Aragon (3), Castilla and Leon (2) and one in La Rioja and Melilla. However, Valencia had the most arrests for drug trafficking around leisure centres (90), followed by Madrid (71) and Andalucia (53). Then came the Canaries with 27, Catalonia with 24, Castilla and Leon (18), Cantabria (16), Castilla-La Mancha (13), 11 in both Asturias and Galicia, 8 in Melilla, 6 in Murcia, 5 in the Balearics, 3 in Aragon and one in La Rioja. As for the number of complaints related to drug trafficking around schools Valencia heads the list with 509, followed by Andalucia (505), Madrid (503), Catalonia (242), Cantabria (166), Galicia (114), Aragon (110), the Canaries and Murcia (106 in each). The quantity of drugs confiscated around education centres were highest in Catalonia (3'191 grammes), followed by Valencia (3'153), the Canaries (2'463) and Andalucia (2'333). As for the complaints about drug trafficking around leisure centres, Madrid had most with 1'373, followed by Andalucia (1'109) and Valencia (1'108), while the amount of drugs confiscated in these areas was highest in Madrid (16'682 grammes) and Valencia (5'301). The illegal substances confiscated included heroin, cocaine, hashish, marijuana and speed.