ROAD deaths in the Balearic Islands have decreased by almost fifty percent in the first four months of this year, according to figures unveiled by the Traffic Department. So far this year 32 people have died in traffic accidents in the Balearic Islands, compared to the 61 deaths during the same period last year. Of these 32 people who died, 23 died on Majorcan roads and nine in Ibiza. There were no recorded road deaths during this period in Minorca.
In terms of ages 28.12 percent of those who died were under 30 years old. This is a decrease on last year, when 36 percent of road deaths involved people in this age bracket. The months of February and April were the most dangerous on the roads which twelve people being killed in January and March (6 road deaths each month). In the first few days of May (up to 9 May) four deaths have already been registered on the Balearic roads. According to the Traffic Department, these people who died in a road accidents this year were mainly the drivers of the vehicles, (21 people). Another four people who died this year, were travelling in the vehicle as passengers, six pedestrians died and one cyclist was killed. In addition, 78 percent of these victims were male, and 21.87 percent were over 65 years old. In total 46.9 percent were wearing seat-belts or helmets. 21.9 percent of these victims were foreigners. With regards to the cause of these accidents, the majority were caused by excessive speeding (10 road deaths).
Another nine deaths on the roads were caused by the driver being distracted or falling asleep at the wheel.
Four deaths were caused by drugs or alcohol.
A further 3 road deaths were caused by mistakes made by pedestrians. In addition there were two deaths on the roads caused by vehicles not stopping at the appropriate stop signs and not giving way to other vehicles. The remaining accidents were caused by other reasons. To combat the number of road accidents and subsequent road deaths, the Traffic Department of the Guardia Civil were out in force over the weekend to carry out spot breathalyser checks. In total 24 drivers were found to be over the limit, 11 in Ibiza, 9 in Majorca and 4 in Minorca. The Traffic authorities over recent months have been desperately trying to reduce the number of roads death and spot-checks by police have been increased.