News desk THE Social Security collected more than 2'076'700 million euros in contributions from workers and employers last year, 105'651 million euros more than in 2003. This was confirmed yesterday by Antoni Comas, provincial director of social security for the Balearics. He said that this was “positive” for the islands, and shows the dynamism of the Balearic economy, which is growing not only in the work force but also in the number of companies. But it was not all plain sailing for the social security: executive action was needed to collect 38'296 million euros, compared to 35'076 million in 2003. However, Comas was quick to point out that executive action did not necessarily mean that goods were embargoed, many people pay up before it reaches that point. Outgoing expenses were 1'209'825 million euros. The biggest amount (1'201'688 million euros) corresponded to pensions, followed by wages (6'565 million), services (1'469 million), investments (74'600 euros) and payments on account and loans (28'450 euros), according to director Alfonso Ruiz Abellan. But both Comas and Ruiz said it was impossible to give a full and correct balance of the money handled by the Social Security service in the Balearics, because it was so fragmented. It is also further complicated by the fact that there are companies based in the Balearics which pay their contributions in other parts of Spain, and companies on the Peninsula which pay their contributions here. The same is true of many pensions. Pensions which are paid out in the Balearics include 162'837 million euros for permanent disability; 703'995 million for retirement), 213'161 million for widows and 14'785 million for orphans. Other payments include 30'488 million for maternity and 12'915 million for protection of the family.