THE Guardia Civil have launched a new plan for the prevention of forest fires in the Balearics.
It includes greater vigilance at areas of ecological value and control of vehicles and persons in some parts of the mountains.
The very high temperatures this month and the fact that the mountains and woods are very dry because of the lack of rain over the past two months has increased the danger of forest fires. Earlier this week, Francesc Buils, the director general of the environment, called on people to take extra precautions and not to light fires in mountain areas. Yesterday, the Guardia Civil repeated the request and announced the plan, which will be in force until the end of September. It will be co-ordinated with various departments of the administration. In addition to prevention work, all fires will be investigated to verify the cause and make arrests if arson is proved.
Last summer, the Guardia Civil helped fight 21 forest fires in which 33 hectares of woodland were destroyed.