Created by Sandra Seeling, the festival has new features this year. The most notable of these is a collaboration with the Balearic Islands Film Commission through which, says festival co-ordinator Pilar Garcés, “we plan to show producers who attend the festival everything that the island offers as a set”. “We’re thinking of taking them on a bus ride to Valldemossa and Deya,” adds Seeling. The actual gala inauguration will be on 10 November at Palma’s Teatre Principal.
The festival, as in previous years, has been developed primarily by the CineCiutat and the Es Baluard Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. “Initiatives such as this help to spread the idea that cinema is far more than just being a viewer in an armchair,” says Pachon.
The opening and closing galas will bring together the most interesting films: Blood Orange , shot in Ibiza and starring Iggy Pop, and Mistress America, directed and co-written by Noah Baumbach. Of other films that will have a great impact, there is Barcelona, nit d’hivern, multiple love stories unfolding in Barcelona on Christmas Eve.
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