Plannng to visit Palma today...well beware the Palma Met Office is forecasting top temperarures of 37 degrees Centigrade. Infact, the city will be one of the hottest places on the island.
Plannng to visit Palma today...well beware the Palma Met Office is forecasting top temperarures of 37 degrees Centigrade. Infact, the city will be one of the hottest places on the island.
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Anybody else bored of listening to the media keep telling us it's as hot as it is any other year? It's like the COVID plandemic all over again, we move from one hystreria into another. All planned out in the same format having to follow the same narrative and if you disagree your should be sent to the gulag. Some people really are stupid. And if the WEF, WHO and UN told them, lock yourselves down, lose your freedoms don't keep your family warm through winter and eat insects the rest of your life I actually think a big percentage of people would. That's more scary than anything. Sad times.