With hundreds of people watching the firemen had little option but to get out and push, as the crowded cheered Palma's finest had little choice but to turn to muscle power. Initially it was feared that the whole parade would come to an abrupt halt but the firemen managed to push their vehiclle away.
And this wasn't the only incident during the big parade on Sunday. As the colourful parade minus one fire truck entered its final stages a woman in the crowd and armed with a microphone started shouting out whether anyone would like to buy a flat she owns in the Plaza Mayor.
The kings were not amused by this unusual sales pitch and it provoked frowns amongst the courtiers in the parade.
Did she manage to get a sale? Well, she would have to wait until she got home to check whether the Kings had worked their magic with the ultimate present!
Meanwhile the poor firemen had already made their wish for next year...a fire truck that works and that doesn't break down would be their present.
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