Cala Bona - The forecast for Son Servera on Tuesday is cloud with a rain probability of 50% and a high of 24C. | Sebastià Bauzá Vives


As noted in these reports for the past few days, rain is forecast for Tuesday, the prospects being for a cloudy day everywhere.

The probability of rain has increased since Monday evening - up to 80% - and a yellow alert for rain was issued by Aemet on Monday night. This is from 2pm to 9pm for the Tramuntana, north/northeast and interior; up to 20 litres per square metre in an hour and with thunderstorms possible.

On Wednesday the probability of rain is up around 90%. Another mostly cloudy day is forecast. An improvement on Thursday.

Forecast for Tuesday as of Monday 7pm (UV rating 8):

  • Alcudia (18C) 25C, moderate northeast breeze; humidity 50%. Three-day forecast - Wed: 24, Thu: 25, Fri: 28.
  • Andratx (16C) 27C, moderate east breeze easing to light; humidity 45%. Wed: 24, Thu: 23, Fri: 25.
  • Binissalem (16C) 26C, moderate east breeze backing northeast; humidity 50%. Wed: 24, Thu: 26, Fri: 28.
  • Deya (16C) 25C, light northeast breeze easing to calm; humidity 45%. Wed: 23, Thu: 23, Fri: 25.
  • Palma (17C) 27C, moderate east breeze; humidity 40%. Wed: 25, Thu: 25, Fri: 26.
  • Pollensa (17C) 26C, moderate east breeze easing to gentle; humidity 50%. Wed: 25, Thu: 26, Fri: 31.
  • Porreres (16C) 27C, gentle northeast breeze veering east; humidity 45%. Wed: 25, Thu: 26, Fri: 28.
  • Sant Llorenç (17C) 26C,gentle northeast breeze veering east; humidity 55%. Wed: 24, Thu: 26, Fri: 26.
  • Santanyi (16C) 25C, gentle east breeze increasing to moderate; humidity 50%. Wed: 24, Thu: 24, Fri: 25.
  • Sineu (17C) 25C, gentle northeast breeze veering east; humidity 50%. Wed: 23, Thu: 25, Fri: 28.

* Light breeze to 11 km/h; gentle to 19; moderate to 28.

Monday summary (as of 7pm) - Highs of 30.1 Llucmajor, 29.3 Porreres and Santa Maria, 29.0 Binissalem, 28.8 Petra, 28.7 Sa Pobla and Sineu, 28.6 Can Sion (Campos) and Sant Elm, 28.5 Palma University, 28.1 Arta, 28.0 Son Bonet (Marratxi), 27.9 Colonia Sant Pere, 27.5 Pollensa, 27.4 Manacor; Lows of 11.8 Son Torrella (Escorca), 13.9 Lluc, 14.4 Can Sion, 15.0 Serra Alfabia (Bunyola), 15.1 Palma University.