'Swan Lake' represented by the International Ballet Company, created by Cristina and Alexei Terentiev and composed of dancers from different countries. | KATERINA PU


The International Ballet Company was formed by soloists Cristina and Alexei Terentiev from Moldova.

This was when a tour of Spain by the Ballet de Moscú, Moscow Ballet RFB, was called off in early March 2022.

The company has stepped in (or rather danced in) to fill the gap left by Moscow Ballet and is becoming something of a regular feature in Mallorca. And it is extending this presence by putting on a special Gala of Soloists. Rather than whole ballets, there are specific scenes, with eight soloists performing a range from Swan Lake and Don Quixote to Nutcracker and Esmeralda.

In the publicity for this performance, the company says: “It doesn’t matter if you are passionate about dance or if you are discovering this beautiful art for the first time, our Gala will provide you with an unforgettable experience.” Yes, and one provided by a company that is broadening the appeal of ballet in Mallorca by performing away from Palma. There are two performances, one in Cala Millor, the other in Inca on Saturday.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 12/04/2024 at at Auditorium Sa Maniga Finalizado



35 euros at samaniga.es