The Crist de la Sang was followed by a large crowd. | P. PELLICER


There are numerous Easter processions in Palma and the rest of Mallorca but there are none more important and more solemn than the procession of Crist de la Sang.

Lasting more than five hours, it involves almost 5,000 members of the city's 33 brotherhoods. The procession is organised in reverse order of brotherhood seniority.

The image of Christ on the cross is the most revered in Mallorca along with the Virgin of Lluc. It is housed in the Church of the Annunciation (Església de l'Anunciació also known as Església de la Sang), which was built in the late fifteenth century next to the Hospital General. The procession has been an Easter custom in Palma since 1564.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 28/03/2024 at at Parroquia de la Anunciación de María Finalizado
