Selva's herbs fair. | Archives


It can depend on one’s definition as to whether the Selva “herbes” are herbs or plants.

The main protagonist of the Selva Herbs Fair is myrtle. As it is used in cooking and for medicinal purposes, then it does qualify as a herb. The other five likewise have their roles - rosemary, olive (the leaf), orange flower, fern and St. John’s wort (”estepa joana”).

Myrtle grows in abundance around Selva, so on Saturday morning at half seven, when the call goes out to wake the good folk of the village, there isn’t too far to trek in order to find some. With all due ceremony, the myrtle is brought to the town’s Plaça Major where the stills will turn it into health-giving myrtle water. At midnight, it’s herbs on fire as the Foc de l’Estol de ses Herbes takes to the streets. The composition of this group hasn’t been specified but it usually involves giants as well as demons.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 10/06/2023 at at Plaça Major - Selva Finalizado


