Jazz concert at the Hotel Saratoga. | Youtube: MarianaFerreiraLopes


Trombonist Geoff Frosell is one of the leading names on Mallorca's jazz scene, and he has been for many years.

His is a jazz that dates back to before the Second World War, when Dixieland bands would comprise six to eight musicians and the trombone was very prominent; it often featured as a solo.

Geoff has a six-piece band, the Dixie Swing Band, for a special concert in aid of a very well-deserving charity, the RANA Foundation, the Aid Network for Abused Children.

Organised by Rotary Calvia International on behalf of the foundation, the event is at one of Geoff's familiar stomping grounds, the Hotel Saratoga (the jazz hotel) in Palma.

Useful information
Dates and location:
  1. 09/11/2023 at at Hotel Saratoga Finalizado



75 euros