Dear Sir,

AS the political in fighting continues, it seems yet again our local politicians seem more intent on securing their own jobs than tackling the increasing problems of the local economy. One day after announcing that over 72.000 inhabitants are on the paro/dole (yet failing to announce the number out of work unable to claim paro/dole) - someone on the Council, has the affrontary to announce that after Christmas, the Council will be giving away free bicycles, to promote cycling/and use for lack of) the new cycle lanes. Firstly the bicycles will not be free if they are being financed by the Council. We the taxpayers will be footing the bill. Secondly no amount of promotion will justify the cost of the cycle lanes. A perfect example of waste of money can be seen, if you visit Genova, where in some parts the width of the cycle lane exceeds the width of the road! The cost of compensation to landowners for the Council to appropriate the necessary land, must have been astronomical. Surely we as taxpayers have the right to know just how much this cycle lane to/from no-where cost and who was responsible for this “fiasco”?

Yours sincerely,

M. Irving

Portals Nous