Holiday lettings and winter tourism

Dear Sir,

I have absolutely no idea what the Majorca Tourism authorities think they are doing, or even what they think they are even trying to do. This organisation is apparently the hotel and travel agent industry telling us what is good for our island. (all inclusives are 100% fantastic, don’t you know?)

It clearly has a mission to stop any lettings of unused holiday premises that might compete with closed hotels. How is this competition, if the hotels are closed? Can they explain? Impossible!

Bashing on doors, in the hope of finding transgressors of a nonsense law, and frightening tourists who have no idea what they are talking about, seems par for the course, and let us file it under "stupidity".

As virtually every hotel is closing from October to March, Calvia reckons and suggests they can encourage winter tourism. Please!!! Total rubbish if there is nowhere to stay.

The whole tourist industry in Majorca is being forced by the authoritative tourism industry to go down the pan, sadly. Hotel owners and Travel Agents determine policy. Full stop. They earn and take all positive proceeds, potentially.

If small businesses stand up to be counted, there is a tiny hope things may improve. Only tiny though as there is no way they will.

Sadly tourism is doomed without radical change in my view after watching 10 years on the island. It makes me so sad.

Who will stand up for what our fantastic island needs? Nobody can beat the MTA!

Richard Taylor
