By Jason Moore WELL it is certainly nice to feel wanted! All of a sudden councils across the island are bending over backwards to get as many non-Spanish European residents as possible on the electoral roll before the next local elections. Even English-speaking council staff appear to have been found to help in even the lesser councils. Yes, it is important to vote in the local elections and yes, of course, everyone needs to register, but what always concerns me, (and this can be said about elections anywhere) is that we are only remembered at election time. I am sure that I am not alone in thinking that in the same way as councils across the island are urging us to register to vote they could be just as thorough when it comes to information on a rise in the rates or other council taxes or even on new bus passes or lesser council services. English or German speaking staff is always a bonus. Once registered the council will know the nationality of the person involved and therefore if all council literature was translated into a common language then this would also prove beneficial and avoid much heartache. Voting every four years is important and does give you that feeling that you are wanted but it is also a very serious business. It is the first time in many years that we (the non-Spanish Europeans) appear to be in a favoured position and slightly in the spotlight. I hope this state of affairs continues and we are not quietly forgotten again after the elections. Campaign promises are there to be kept.