We are all experiencing many emotions this week. From those of us with close connections with the Ukraine and Russia to those absorbing all their information from news sources. A war that so many said could never happen. A war which includes the most basic of equipment including fist fighting in the street . A war which arrived as a surprise to many and no surprise at all to others. Indeed it has been said that you have to tick your war these days.
News sources and all media outlets fill our brains with atrocities and awfulness. Many of us take up causes and support the people. Then when the next tranche of awfulness arrives we have no more money or head space to support them. We are now in a situation where we have to prioritise terror to know who we should support and work out what we can do. The Church does well as it prays for everyone, everywhere in conflict.
Maybe that is all any of us can do until a refugee comes knocking at the door. Then what – when war is brought to your doorstep as a real life person, fleeing hostilities what will you do? That is the question of the week.
Back in Soller...
Meanwhile back in the Soller Valley the sun shines and many arrive to enjoy their rest and relaxation. It is carnival time and the hours spent preparing costumes and floats are ready to be displayed. As people pour in they are judging us on our improvements of the winter. The great disappointment is the late finish of the roadway in the Gran Via.
The excuses for the delay are numerous but the speed at which the workers are moving is amazing. That was until the complaints came in that the tiling was being done too near the trees. Who knows what will happen on this one next week.
“A bit odd”
On the Repic Beach the complaints can be heard as a third colour tile has been used to fix broken tiles along the boardwalk. Some say they wish it was a ‘board’ walk because the colours are all a bit odd. Like an unmatched patchwork quilt. Other voices say they are just satisfied that people will no longer trip on broken tiles.

Three generations
Soller’s covered Market celebrated its 70th birthday this week. Stall holders include those who have been there for three generations. Every local election brings grandiose schemes for the Market which start, flounder and fail. Currently there is a new auction in the pipeline and many old and new ideas floating about for its future.
In the meantime life goes on, it is open daily for the sale of fish, meat, fruit, vegetables and groceries. Anne’s Café in the corner is loved by us all and Soller’s low key market is a favourite. We all wait for the next chapter in this saga.
Antoni Riutort
Deia is the favourite place of many and considered its own spiritual entity. In keeping with this Deia presented its own Anthem this week. Antoni Riutort from Soller has been the winner of the competition created by Deià City Council to provide an anthem for the municipality of Deià.
This competition consisted of composing a musical score for the poem “Notes de Deià” by Joan Alcover. The ambition was to create the official anthem of the municipality and be able to use it on all official occasions. Congratulations to Antoni Riutort his name as the composer will live on.
And finally...
So a quick review of our lives here this week and then it’s back to war. What an awful phrase that is. War will affect every one of us from price hikes for petrol and food deliveries to pension funds using Russian money. The word sanctions has very long tentacles and will crop up everywhere if governments have the stomach for them. The human cost is what will keep us awake at night plus the fears and tears of local Ukrainian and Russian people living right here.

Such a mess we are living through. Brexit, Covid and now War, is the lot for our generation and what we must face every day. We have such overloaded brains at present bet we are lucky to be able to go out in the fresh air and clear the head. The sun still shines and we have to decide how to support our fellow man in whatever way we can.
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