by Jason Moore

So 2012 finally draws to a close and my message for the New Year is that things can only get better! Economically speaking it has been a dreadful year for Spain, record unemployment and recession. Strikes have been common place and the government has been forced to cutback on all services, But 2013, will be better, I assure you. Because things can´t really get any worse. The Spanish government does say that the country will start pulling clear of recession in 2013. Now, we all know that they said that last year but for 2013 I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Tourism will save Spain, I believe. In Majorca we have a record number of flights between Britain and the island for next summer which should mean that we have a good summer season. As the British economy starts to recover, Majorca should benefit. So have a very happy New Year and thank you for all your support in 2012. And remember next year is going to be a great year and one to remember.