Palma.—European members of the Partido Popular gathering in Palma yesterday received a frosty reception from trade unionists, members of the general public and the local opposition parties over the new wave of cuts regional governments have been asked to make to help central government reach its deficit targets.

The Balearic government has to find 350 million euros either by raising taxes or introducing further cuts.
And yesterday, the parliamentary spokesperson for the left wing PSM-IV-ExM coalition, Biel Barcelo, said that he is totally opposed to any further cuts which will cause further damage to the region's health, education and social services.

Hospitals, in particular A&E, are already reaching breaking points because of cuts already introduced by the Partido Popular governments in Madrid and Palma and there are fears of schools closing.

Both Barcelo and Socialist leader Francina Armengol met Balearic President Jose Ramon Bauza yesterday to listen to his plans.
Armengol emerged claiming that Madrid still owes the Balearics 640 million euros, and that would wipe out the Balearics's debt. The PM, Mariano Rajoy, was in Palma yesterday and Armengol urged Bauza to ask him for the region's money.