BARCELONA, 03/07/2021.- Visa del crucero "Grandiosa" atracado este sábado en el Puerto de Barcelona. Tres pasajeros del crucero "Grandiosa", de la compañía MSC Cruceros, han dado positivo en covid, por lo que deberán guardar cuarentena. EFE/ Enric Fontcuberta Tres positivos en el crucero MSC "Grandiosa" tras atracar en Barcelona | Enric Fontcuberta - Enric Fontcu


Discover what ships are moored in the Port of Palma right now thanks to the Port of Palma´s website.

Live feed from the port:

Here you will discover what is moored up. Over recent days cruise ships have started to return to the port. Follow the link and click here.

You can also find out what is scheduled to come to Palma over the next few days.