A key reason for this new protest - the last was on February 11 - was the appearance of a ship in the bay of Pollensa that had been contracted by Red Eléctrica (Spain's national grid company) to carry out surveys in the bay. This was for the "entry of the cable from the mainland and its subsequent routeing to Minorca". Red Eléctrica has said that the ship was undertaking work exclusively for the Minorca connection.
All political parties at the town hall were represented at the protest, there having been unanimous rejection of plans for the cable to enter in an area of outstanding natural heritage on the bay of Pollensa.
Protesters made clear that they respect views that there should be no cable at all or that it should enter elsewhere (a general preference would be the bay of Alcudia). "What absolutely nobody disputes is that the cable must not enter via the bay of Pollensa under any circumstances."
Opposition is also based on the potential harm to health, as the route once on land "will run in front of hundreds of homes".
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Well done for the local people for coming out to protest against bringing in an underwater electrical cable (with a huge wattage) into the Alcudia area. There is no need for it to come in there when it could come into an area where the infrastructure already exists. How are local families going to feel it is safe for their children to swim and play in the water? No matter how the cable is covered, I will feel worried about swimming myself in those waters. Why, oh why are governments always so short sighted? Do the right thing, listen to those protesting and re-route the cable to where the infrastructure is already in place. The world would be a much better place if those in power did listen to their people.
It’s an eye-poppingly insane proposal to dig up and ruin areas of outstanding natural beauty, rural roads and residential areas to bury this high-voltage cable; all to get to a place that is far more easily accessed by entering at the old power station at Port d’Alcudia where the infrastructure to cope with it already exists. Their sole reason given…it’s to protect the posidonia in the bay of Alcudia. Oh, that’s alright then. Stuff the flora and fauna on land and to hell with the health and safety of the residents. If you care about this beautiful place either as a resident, or are one of our many international visitors here, please sign the petition at: www.vaac.es. No al cable!
The community in Alcúdia made a lot of noise. The streets were heaving. People are angry. The government and Red electric are railroading across all health and safety concerns, the beautiful natural environment of the virgin coves, beaches and county lanes of Alcúdia. They will be responsible for the death of a stunningly beautiful area of Mallorca. Red will have the blood of Alcúdia on its hands.