On Thursday, Pollensa Town Hall issued an official statement refuting claims that recent robberies are related to the arrival of unaccompanied migrant minors at a shelter in Pollensa.
Pollensa Town Hall refutes claims that migrant minors have been responsible for robberies
The police say there is no evidence
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Richard Pearson40ish 😂 - if only! And how you do you tally that with me living here through Franco years as an adult which we’ve discussed previously and you said you had too, although later appeared to deny it? Don’t remember? Google it. 80+ if you must know. Bye!
SaraOld lady ? I imagined you to be a 40ish young lady. “Can’t disagree in this forum” ? Ha ! Virtually everyone disagrees with me, and I’m still here, as the Spanish say, dando caña, and I’m definitely not intending to bow out any time soon. Unless, of course, the editor or the person in charge of “quality control” decide to ban me.
Charles Dalrymple-ChumleyYou are taking what I have said completely out of context. Or maybe it’s because as English isn’t my first language I haven’t expressed myself properly although I consider myself fluent. I disagreed with your comment “most migrants”. I still do. Some are as you say, “most” no. So there you are, you have one opinion, I have another. Secondly when in a later reply to Richard I referred to “certain people wherever they be from thinking they are a cut above everyone else” I was not referring to you at all but rather replying to his comments to me. It was a completely separate sentence. It seems one can’t disagree in this forum. I bow out. I’m an old lady and have better things to do with my time.
SaraYou say "What I do object to are certain people wherever they be from thinking they are a cut above everyone else." How could you possibly take away this impression from my previous comments unless you have some deep-seated chip on your shoulder about all non-nationals being in Spain? Surely you do not welcome the flood of illegal immigrants into Europe, including Spain? People who were born in countries that are run by corrupt despots who have no care for their own people. So those who can travel to Europe looking for better life chances. But you and I know it's not that simple. Why would a business employ an illegal non-Spanish speaking untrained uneducated immigrant over an EU national? What added-value does an immigrant bring to a job? None. So their recourse to eat, drink and have a roof over their heads is, for the most part, to turn to crime. Does this not greatly alarm you? Feral criminals roaming our streets looking for a chance to steal property (pickpocketing, shoplifting, squatting). Official figures put the number of illegal immigrants coming to the EU every year as being over 1 million. Imagine. Mallorca's share of that number is a very worrying figure. If you want to criticise a group of people Sara this is the group you should choose. Not me.
Richard PearsonNot living in my country of birth? Yes I do of course know the difference between immigrant and migrant but I was under the impression that CDC was not here permanently. My mistake but I still disagree with his statement “most migrants”. I have no objections to any foreigners living anywhere in Spain, be it Catalonia, Mallorca or elsewhere. What I do object to are certain people wherever they be from thinking they are a cut above everyone else. And of course you do know how to spell my name really, but as you are only 12 years old I’ll forgive your childishness.
tranq tranquerYes, I have heard that being said about the Mallorquins, but strangely enough, never about the Menorquins or the Ibizencos. You will obviously have experienced seeing the difference more than most of us newer arrivals or incomers, and maybe even outcomers, depending on the lack, or not, of certain paperwork. In ancient times, the British Isles also experienced the same domination by different races, cultures and religions, or lack of, but always through aggressive warfare. The current attempted takeover is, however, being silently abetted and approved by the native population’s leaders, something that way back then would have been classified as treason of the highest degree and would have been punished accordingly. I therefore find it strange your intense dislike of a certain U.S. politician, who would, if he had the chance, threaten, and I repeat threaten, to solve the problem you are referring by using methods that Henry VIII would have approved of and resorted to, which no doubt would achieve excellent results. Instead, we are having to make do with one who is more preoccupied with other people’s (and plants) feelings and the good tailoring of his robes. Nuff said.
Charles Dalrymple-ChumleySarah, being a Catalan migrant, immigrant, expat or however one wants to refer to someone not residing in their country of birth, can of course distinguish the difference. It’s just that she dislikes foreigners who live on her home turf, especially those coming from western nations, in particular Anglo ones.
I forgot to mention a website that may be of interest , especially to UK nationals and readers. Howfarfrommydoorstep.co.uk is attempting to document every migrant hotel being used to house our new guests. Horrifying and fascinating at the same time. Please note stats suggest there are around four hundred hotels of which less than two hundred are currently registered on the map.
SaraRichard is correct, as settled residents in a foreign land we are immigrants . Migrants are temporary arrivals who may or may not stay to become immigrants. Whatever, we all know who and what we are talking about. The headline for this piece reminds me of the UK where every time a migrant commits a crime the authorities immediately say it is an isolated incident by an individual with mental problems. They really are trying to take us for fools. Oh for the days when every conversation, news article, tv discussion was not dominated by race and illegal migration. The UK is a case study for the world as to what happens to a modern first world native population when it is overwhelmed by people with totally different languages, education and culture. No answer yet, this is still playing out as we speak. Mallorca could be deemed a microcosmic (?) example having been invaded over the past two thousand years by every local empire going. The Mallorquins appear to have hunkered down into themselves and let the invaders get on with whatever it was they were doing. Hence their reputation for being inward and reserved with foreigners which was certainly true when I arrived but I suspect the intervening years of tourism have softened this a good deal. Now they are facing the same as the UK. An influx of foreigners who, mainly through religion, absolutely do not integrate except to the minimum degree required to exist here. Before the naysayers start, we as foreigners brought wealth, employment, a similar religion and often a good degree of integration, except for Christmas which was non existent when I arrived.( ha ha). Now we wait to see how the modern Mallorquins will deal with this new encroachment into their culture . Unfortunately it is going to dominate our conversations for some time to come.