Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter
Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter

The Mallorcans

Mallorca's Guardian of the Neptune Grass

Marcial Bardolet Richter watches over the protection of seagrass beds, which play a particularly important role in the marine ecosystem of the Mediterranean.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporterCarina Gross 20/07/2023 00:01

The Mallorcans

“My goal is to build a bridge between Mallorcans and holidaymakers”

With a series of video portraits, TV journalist Sibylle Tiessen will be presenting Mallorcans and their personal projects every two weeks.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporterCarina Gross 07/07/2023 00:01

The Mallorcans

Mallorca's "super fruit" the carob

How Juana Verger from Llucmajor created modern, sustainable food products from the traditional pods of the carob tree

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporterCarina Gross 07/07/2023 00:01


Get the Mallorca Beach App!

The App also has a location map and offers information on toilets, restaurants and disabled access points.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 13/07/2021 11:51