In a press release, the council has reminded the public that to avoid them spreading it is advisable to clean, empty, dry and renew the water in all containers in the vicinity, including pet drinking fountains or swimming pools, because the insect of Asian origin breeds in the aquatic environment, especially between the months of April and October.
Also, if a mosquito is identified, it is important to bear in mind that there is likely to be a breeding site in close proximity, as its flight range is only about 150 metres. On the other hand, for those facilities that cannot be emptied, such as fountains or swimming pools, periodic chlorination or treatment with larvicides is recommended, while in natural areas there are already predators such as sapsuckers and ‘granotes’.
Among the consequences of the tiger mosquito bite, it should be noted that it is a transmitter of different pathogens that cause infectious diseases such as dengue or Zika, which have already landed in the Balearics, as happened in Ibiza in the summer of 2022 with the first reported autochthonous cases of dengue. “The risk is very present in the Balearics and we must consider it very seriously,” said the local authority, which has also reported that there is an application, ‘Mosquito Alert’, free access, which gives a series of guidelines to prevent the tiger mosquito.

Three weeks ago Palma city council took to the air to tackle tiger mosquito larvae or eggs which have been detected in some parts of the city. The airborne raid centred around wetlands within the city which are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Using an especially equipped helicopters more than 40 hectares of wetland was sprayed using special chemicals. The council said that the use of the helicopter was more than necessary because it could achieve within hours what an army of health officials could do in days.
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