Andrew Valente
Andrew Valente

Andrew Valente has been a journalist since he left school at 18 in Glasgow where he was on the Scottish edition of the old Daily Herald. He came to Mallorca to work as a freelance correspondent for the London dailies and Sundays, using that as a stepping stone to a job in Fleet Street. But he got involved in the Bulletin and stayed on…and on…and on…and now Fleet Street doesn’t exist. He still reads the London dailies and Sundays.


Food and Wine: Hummus - It must have good taste of tahini

Have you ever tasted genuine hummus? Our Bulletin's food expert reveals his homemade recipe.

Andrew Valente 17/06/2021 11:52


Food for thought: White fish - specials for working mums

Our Bulletin's food expert, Andrew Valente, helps us to choose the perfect fish.

Andrew Valente 16/06/2021 12:17


The restaurant review: A vegetable paella came to the rescue

Thumbs up or Thumbs down? Our Bulletin food expert on the difficult task of finding a vegetarian option.

Andrew Valente 12/06/2021 11:44


Food and Wine: Salmonetes - One of the best fish in the Med is now into its summer season

The official summer fish is here! Our Bulletin food expert on how to cook this delicate Mediterranean species.

Andrew Valente 10/06/2021 12:39


Food for thought: Courgettes - One of great summer veggies and Mallorca has two distinct varieties

The courgette, called ‘calabacín’ in Spanish, is one of the great summer vegetables.

Andrew Valente 09/06/2021 13:10


The restaurant review: An incredible choice on this €15.50 menú

Thumbs up or Thumbs down? Our Bulletin's food expert tries out an excellent Menú del Día.

Andrew Valente 05/06/2021 14:36


Food and Wine: Apricots - It looks like being glorious year for Mallorca’s harvest

Mallorca’s best apricots are from the Cooperativa and they are sold under the official label of Albercoc de Porreres.

Andrew Valente 03/06/2021 11:25


Food for thought: Pan Bagna - Ideal for light effortless lunches during the hot summer months

Is the British sandwich under threat from foreign invaders? Our Bulletin's food expert on the tasty Pan Bagna.

Andrew Valente 02/06/2021 10:55


The restaurant review: Sóller and lunch at Ca’n Boqueta

The Bulletin's food expert returns to Soller after 12 years to review a classy country restaurant.

Andrew Valente 29/05/2021 11:00


Food and Wine: Basil & Mint -Most people’s favourite herbs for the hot months of summer

Now that the heat is fast approaching Mallorca, our Bulletin food expert shares with us some easy and refreshing recipes for this summer.

Andrew Valente 27/05/2021 11:02


Food for thought: Fish soups - They are summer speciality along Mediterranean coasts

Our Bulletin's food expert recommends extremely tasty Mediterranean fish dishes that you should try this summer!

Andrew Valente 26/05/2021 15:46


The restaurant review: This is strictly for beef lovers

Thumbs up or Thumbs down? Our Bulletin's food expert tries out an Argentinian restaurant

Andrew Valente 22/05/2021 14:50


Food and Wine: Mallorcan Olives put a few in your cooking pot

Our Bulletin's food expert explains why you should include green or black olives in your repertoire of everyday dishes.

Andrew Valente 19/05/2021 15:00


Food for thought: Dark Chocolate

Our bulletin's food expert shows the "really weird" ways Spaniards use dark chocolate in their cuisine.

Andrew Valente 19/05/2021 11:19


The restaurant review: These sweetbreads were the best-ever

Thumbs up or Thumbs down? Our Bulletin food expert reviews the restaurant RamBar with top cook Koldo Royo.

Andrew Valente 15/05/2021 13:41


Food and Wine: Golden rules that lead to perfection

Do you want to become a good cook? Andrew Valente gives you tips on how to make great food.

Andrew Valente 13/05/2021 13:21


Food for thought: Cured Ham - great Spanish delicacy

Our Bulletin's food expert on one of the most superb gastronomic treats, Spanish cured ham.

Andrew Valente 12/05/2021 13:00


The restaurant review: Find food down by the seashore

Thumbs up or Thumbs down? Our Bulletin food expert reviews a restaurant in S'Arenal.

Andrew Valente 08/05/2021 15:20


Food for thought: The onglet, a French cut of beef you will seldom find in Palma

Our Bulletin food expert introduces us to a rare and special cut of meat that doesn't even appear in most French cookbooks!

Andrew Valente 05/05/2021 15:04


Food and Wine: La Mozzarella the World’s best-selling cheese and the most unprotected one

How does real Mozzarella taste like? Our bulletin's food expert tells everything you should know about the true one.

Andrew Valente 05/05/2021 14:12