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Climate change in the Balearics accelerating 20% more rapidly than much of the world

"The climate crisis is mainly a health crisis", characterised, for instance, by a redistribution of tropical diseases.

Andrew Ede21/04/2023 08:04

The drones being used to combat mosquitoes in Palma.

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Palma to use drones to combat mosquitoes

Concerns of a mosquito spike because of the rain and higher temperatures.

Humphrey Carter11/10/2022 15:02

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Top tips to fight the "Tiger Mosquito"

"It has a diurnal activity period, essentially from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.". "These are the time intervals in which most bites occur," he adds.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/08/2022 12:14

‘Mossies’ deliver a sharp bite that rapidly becomes extremely itchy before swelling into an unsightly welt.


Mosquito Madness

The best way to cope with a midge or mosquito bite is to wash the affected area immediately with mild soap and water.

Peter Clover08/08/2022 12:27