Shirley Roberts
Shirley Roberts

'Soller Shirley' Facebook page started fifteen years ago. The daily ramblings on events and life in the Soller Valley continues to this day. ‘Spotlight on Soller’ is a weekly page in the Mallorca Bulletin and has been for over 10 years. I Immersed myself in the Soller world I left London for. Every day I learn something new and tell the tale. I was part of three generational move to the Soller Valley and have had the joy of watching my grandchildren grow on this wonderful island. A previous life in journalism for the Times Newspaper, General Manager of a London Hotel and the creator of a start-up company, in North London (eventually sold to a PLC) sums up my life. I am now back where I started, writing stories every day and looking after, Humans of Mallorca and Nan’s Day’s Out. I just love to tell a tale…

Humans of Majorca

Looking for their autumn life

For those with the inclination to spend your winter time doing something different I encourage you to visit these churches and see what the ‘people of faith’ are up to.

Shirley Roberts 14/10/2020 12:38

Spotlight on Soller

A serious round-up

Caring for the community in Soller during such difficult times.

Shirley Roberts 13/10/2020 13:20

Spotlight on Soller

All about the light and cameras this week

Lighting occupied the coffee time chatter this weekend.

Shirley Roberts 05/10/2020 11:43

Spotlight on Soller

Here comes the train and the weather

The Soller Valley has been a perfect photographic opportunity this week.

Shirley Roberts 28/09/2020 10:54

Spotlight On Soller

Here come the niggles

Time passes and new routines are quickly established. The memories of the early lockdown are easing only to be replaced now by the new reality.

Shirley Roberts 23/09/2020 13:13

Our Family Outing

Into controversy

What a glorious walk they said and just no-one else around.

Shirley Roberts 22/09/2020 15:21

Spotlight On Soller

Time to Take a Change

Life has got very serious this week in Soller with the news that our Residential Home for the elderly has become infected.

Shirley Roberts 15/09/2020 15:21

Nan's Day Out

Nan’s Day Out to Porto Pi

How much does the day cost is the first one? The majority of my trips cost a picnic lunch and petrol.

Shirley Roberts 14/09/2020 15:10

Spotlight On Soller

The new start begins

The talk this week has been of starting a Bridge Club and we need a teacher as most of us have never played. Volunteers please contact me at the Bulletin.

Shirley Roberts 08/09/2020 15:55


The dream team of the Soller Valley – a Humans of Majorca story

This week I spent my time in La Sal, a new venture in the Puerto Soller.

Shirley Roberts 07/09/2020 15:24


Nan’s Day Out - Alcanada

This is the place for rock pools, fishing and children just messing about. A touch of the ‘Swallows and Amazons lives in Alcanada

Shirley Roberts 31/08/2020 16:02

Spotlight On Soller

August 2020 limps to its end

Saturday marks the first of five music Saturdays. This is all based in the Patio of the Escolapies Cultural Centre in Soller.

Shirley Roberts 25/08/2020 15:13

Spotlight on Soller

Time to move on in our reality

The tourism door is banging on its hinges and new arrivals are bright and in your face. This should all make for a very interesting few months.

Shirley Roberts 18/08/2020 00:10

Spotlight on Soller

Communication is the name of the game

To keep the dialogue going and trust your news sources is the lesson of the week.

Shirley Roberts 11/08/2020 09:57

Nan's Days Out

Nan’s Day Out to a village with many parts

Son Sardina of old was part of a huge Possessio – a Manor house employing all the locals on its lands, churches and main house.

Shirley Roberts 04/08/2020 02:06

Spotlight on Soller

August brings reality

Here in my sollerweb world, we are still going strong.

Shirley Roberts 04/08/2020 00:10

Spotlight On Soller

The party returns to the Valley

Sollerics love a good party and have learnt to adapt in Covid times.

Shirley Roberts 28/07/2020 15:08


Two ‘Nan’s Days Out’ this week

Can Penasso is now renamed as La Meson and is the nearest the Soller Valley has got to a trendy Beach Club.

Shirley Roberts 27/07/2020 15:31

Spotlight On Soller

The comings and Going in our world

The rationale behind all this is that in Soller Square the businesses pay the Town Hall for all space they occupy outside their premises.

Shirley Roberts 21/07/2020 14:50

Humans of Mallorca

The end of an era for some humans of Mallorca

The individual stories are heart-breaking as families we love head for different shores. The Humans of Majorca who are vitally important now are those with a road map for the future.

Shirley Roberts 20/07/2020 14:25