Etiqueta 'Freediving in Mallorca'
Elena Aloisio: I teach Apnea Level 1 and 2, plus discovery and fun courses

Crew focus in Mallorca

From Ship to Shore: A Freediving journey in Mallorca with Elena Aloisio

This week I’m chatting to Elena Aloisio, ex sailing Mate, who moved to Mallorca full time in 2020. With a background in marine biology and a passion for the underwater world, she is now working as a Freedive Instructor.

Erica Lay30/04/2024 15:06

Nordics in Mallorca: Ida Strandlund


Meet Ida Strandlund from Sweden

This week in Nordic Spotlight we meet a woman who started a private chef business on the island and also is a freediviing instructor.

Jessika Ekman10/04/2022 10:00