Etiqueta 'Holiday rentals'
Palma's mayor Antoni Noguera.

Holiday rentals

Palma mayor plays down rentals ban legal action

The Fevitur national federation of holiday rental associations is considering taking legal action.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/04/2018 00:00

Nowhere to stay? Still happy though.

Holiday rentals

Opinion divided over Palma apartment holiday rentals ban

Rentals ban opinion: Opposition parties and retailers versus hoteliers and residents.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/04/2018 00:00

Soller, saturated for holiday rentals purposes.

Holiday rentals

Holiday rentals in saturated areas will be for whole months

Under the sixty-day rule for saturated areas, rentals will have to be for a period of a month at a time.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/04/2018 00:00

Alcudia, where there is one of the highest concentrations of holiday rental accommodation on the island.

Holiday rentals

Government confusion as number of holiday rental properties falls

The director-general of tourism, Antoni Sansó, made seemingly contradictory comments almost a month ago about rentals under the tenancy act.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/04/2018 00:00

Image from Bookiply Facebook.

Holiday rentals

Holiday rentals occupancy levels expected to rise

Rival destinations cannot compete with the Balearics - "In the hotel sector perhaps so, but with holiday rentals there's no way."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/04/2018 00:00

The Volvo was finally removed.


Death on the roads: the week in Majorca

Another cyclist was killed, Calvia town hall was on the zero tolerance trail again, HomeAway disputed a fine, and a Volvo was removed after nine years.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/04/2018 00:00

Arnau Cañellas said yesterday that there will be an intensification of tax checks.

Holiday rentals

Tax Agency intensifying holiday rentals control

Around 90% of tax denunciations have to do with holiday rental accommodation non-declarations.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/04/2018 00:00

Oranges. A thief helped himself to some and got a twelve-month sentence.


Oranges and eco-tourism: the week in Majorca

Richard Branson was talking eco-tourism, hoteliers were looking at discounts this summer, flights to Palma in the summer are to increase, and a thief who stole oranges was back in court.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/03/2018 00:00

Soller mayor Jaume Servera.

Holiday rentals

Holiday rentals restriction sought for part of Puerto Soller

Soller town hall wants the old area of Santa Catalina to be declared "saturated" for the purposes of holiday rentals.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/03/2018 00:00

Joan Forteza and others with their "manifesto" against tourist accommodation.

Holiday rentals

Manifesto against more tourist accommodation in Palma

A motion was passed by the town hall in July last year which stated that apartments holiday rentals would not be allowed.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/02/2018 00:00

Mercedes Garrido, responsible for the rentals map. Biel Barceló announced he would be staying on as a member of parliament.


Greeks bearing tourist tax: the week in Majorca

The Balearics were taking on the Greeks over the tourist tax; there was much discontent with a map; employment was at an all-time high; and there was a spot of weather.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/01/2018 00:00

Alcudia town is apparently "saturated" with holiday rentals.

Holiday rentals

Aptur wants 60-day rentals excluded from places' calculation

The sixty-day limit will apply to "saturated" resorts, towns and villages. Aptur wants rentals of this nature not to be counted among the places on offer.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/01/2018 00:00

Miquel Fluxá (Iberostar), Juan José Hidalgo (Globalia), Gabriel Escarrer Julia (Meliá) and the Cuban tourism minister, Manuel Marrero.


Records in Madrid: the week in Majorca

Another record tourism season was being forecast; the Council of Majorca generated more confusion with its rentals zones; and the pine of Pollensa provoked a review of health and safety.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/01/2018 00:00

Arta demons - when dressed up and not undressed.


Under pressure: the week in Majorca

Exceltur was once more pointing the finger at holiday rentals; the cost of travel could go up because of an EU directive; an aid package for Son Banya residents was announced; and Arta had an issue with one of its demons.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/01/2018 00:00