Etiqueta 'Inheritance'
General view of Palma with the Cathedral in the background


Buying property in Mallorca? 6 tax issues to be aware of

Changes over the years have diluted the tax advantages of owning Spanish property through a company – it may even be a disadvantage.

Cathal Rochford, Partner Blevins Franks16/08/2024 13:49


Leaving money to family members? - Stand-by for a punch-up!

You don’t have be among the usual recognisably rich to any extent - if, when you die may have in terms of property and savings a few hundreds of thousands of pounds to pass on to assorted family members.

Frank Leavers29/03/2024 09:31

Mallorca scene

Latest headlines

200 people benefit most from Balearic inheritance tax reform

Inheritance tax was guaranteed revenue for the government regardless of the economic situation.

Andrew Ede28/01/2024 11:45

Inheritance and gift tax

Inheritance and gift tax

The amendment of the legislation completely eliminates inheritance and gift tax for inheritances between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren and spouses.

FREEPIK 06/12/2023

Inheritance and gift tax


Spanish succession tax in the Balearics

SSGT applies to inheritances and lifetime gifts. It is due when the beneficiary is resident in Spain, or the asset being gifted or inherited is a Spanish asset.

Cathal Rochford, Partner Blevins Franks06/12/2023 10:06

Inheritance tax in Spain


Determining and proving domicile

To acquire a domicile of choice you must be physically present and tax resident in your new country and intend to live there permanently or indefinitely.

Cathal Rochford, Partner Blevins Franks17/02/2023 09:11

 Cladera has forecast an increase in the government’s revenue.


Tourist tax to be included in 2016 budget

The government has included the tourist (or eco) tax in its budget forecast, even though it has yet to be decided when and how it will be implemented.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/09/2015 00:00