Etiqueta 'Mediterranean salads'
Cooking with Marc Fosh: It's Salad time!
Teansform a dull bowl of leaves into something fancy.
3 Healthy Summer Salads... Big On Flavour!
The Lebanese fattoush salad is essentially a "bread salad".It's a simple recipe very similar in some ways to the local “Trampó” salad from Mallorca.

Salad in Spain
Salad in Spain
Food for thought: Salad days - As the sun blazes lettuce is back
There is no end to Spanish invention when producing a dish that appeals to the palate during the hot weather.

Caponata by Chef Marc Fosh
Caponata by Chef Marc Fosh.
Caponata salad, a typical Sicilian dish
Try this recipe inspired by the Caponata served at The River café in London with our Fosh Food delivery service!
Salad Days
Try one of these amazing Mediterranean salads with our Fosh Food delivery service!

Fattoush salad
Fattoush salad.