Etiqueta 'Spain coronavirus'
Dr Fernando Simón, Director, of the Centre for the Coordination of Emergencies & Health Alerts.


Dr Fernando Simón urges limited mobility

"It’s essential that the population knows how the virus is transmitted and what the main prevention measures are.."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/10/2020 08:45

Pedro Sánchez, Spanish Prime Minister & Isabel Daz Ayuso, President of the Community.


Madrid facing total lockdown

Pedro Sánchez will declare a State of Emergency in Madrid if Isabel Díaz Ayuso doesn't take action before 1200 on Friday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/10/2020 08:08


Rebel regions

Some regional governments opposed to tighter coronavirus restrictions for municipalities with more than 100,000 people.

Andrew Ede02/10/2020 07:44

Salvador Illa, Health Minister in Madrid.


Covid-19 restrictions reinstated on the Peninsula

“A maximum of 6 people will be allowed to gather in a group, capacity in shopping centres and hotels will be reduced to 50% and bars must close at 23:00,” said Minister Illa.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter01/10/2020 07:08

Salvador Illa believes that regional governments' approaches have been "proportionate".


Pandemic in Spain is "not so different" to other countries

The health minister has also stated that the circumstances do not warrant a "general confinement".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/09/2020 14:24

Covid-19 impact


More than half of Spanish companies reopen after closing at height of pandemic

The statistics showed that since the easing of lockdown started in May, 49,159 companies have registered with the government.

Reuters24/08/2020 15:31


Difficult times

“Difficult times for Spain and the government as they ponder easing restrictions”.

Jason Moore25/07/2020 12:35

Pedro Sanchez


Spain's coronavirus rate triples in three weeks after lockdown easing

The occurrence of the novel coronavirus has jumped from eight cases per 100,000 inhabitants at the end of June

Reuters21/07/2020 15:48

Spain's health minister, Salvador Illa.


Spanish government "not ruling out anything" in controlling coronavirus

There is to be "zero tolerance" of the likes of illegal street parties. The government wants to ensure that there is not "uncontrolled" transmission.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/07/2020 15:26

Covid-19 infections triple in L'Hospitalet in Catalonia.


Coronavirus infections more than triple

L'Hospitalet is Catalonia’s second city, with around 265,000 inhabitants and borders Barcelona and three other Municipalities in the heart of the metropolitan area.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/07/2020 14:50

King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain attend a funeral mass for COVID-19 victims in Madrid


COVID-19 exposed deep flaws in Spain's anti-poverty system - UN expert

Spain launched its minimum income programme - worth between 462 euros and 1,015 euros a month depending on family size.

Reuters07/07/2020 12:11