Etiqueta 'Mallorca population'
Children in fountains in Palma, Mallorca

Children in fountains in Palma, Mallorca

The population percentage to the age of four is down almost 20%.

Teresa Ayuga 13/08/2023

People on the streets in Palma, Mallorca

People on the streets in Palma, Mallorca

August human pressure (total resident and temporary population) may be a record.

Jaume Morey 09/08/2023

Mallorca tourism


When is a limit not a limit?

The government cannot impose a limit as it doesn’t have the means to control the entry of people to the Balearics.

Andrew Ede17/02/2023 14:02

People on the streets in Palma, Mallorca

People on the streets in Palma, Mallorca

The resident and floating populations continue to grow.

Nuria Rincón 07/07/2022